Private Coaching

Are you navigating the abuse of a coercive controller?

I've been there - I'm a survivor
of coercive control.

And I'm also a highly skilled trauma-trained clinician and coercive control educator here to help. I want to offer you my commitment and personal promise that I will do everything I can to help you in your situation.

I offer one-on-one private coaching to victims-survivors, as do my associates. Whether you're escaping an abusive partner or parenting children harmed by a coercive controller / narcissistic abuser, or navigating the court system - we are honored to coach and support you.

Have Questions?

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Dr. C is highly knowledgeable in the area of coercive control and how it impacts children as well as adults and demonstrates high levels of empathy and compassion for all her students/participants. It was a joy to spend several hours with her online - and I was sad for the time to come to an end!
- AH

I know what it's like to feel powerless and trapped.

It feels like the world is falling down around you and you wish you could just blink and wake up. The thing is - it's not your fault. You are a victim of the insidious nature of coercive control. 

In our relationship, I'll share the best strategies to support yourself and your children while you navigate this cycle of abuse and equip you to make the next best move forward. 

How Coaching Works

Weekly or bi-weekly sessions

Email support

Additional resources and programs to support your success


About Dr. Cocchiola

Coercive Control Institute Founder Dr. Christine Marie Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW is a Coercive Control Educator, Speaker, Clinician, Coach, and Survivor. She is a tenured college professor teaching social work for the last 20 years and has been a social justice advocate since the age of 19, volunteering for local domestic abuse/sexual assault agencies.

Dr. C supports Protective parents navigating coercive control - as well as professional training for individuals seeking education regarding coercive control advocacy and coaching.

Most importantly, Dr. C is a Protective Parent. Through her own clinical expertise, research, and personal experiences, she understands the insidious impact of coercive control on children. She works privately with clients and has created courses to educate allies, including protective parents, clinicians, coaches, and court professionals on the experiences of children, victims of the coercive controller.

Dr. C is a Founding Member of the International Coercive Control Conference and a prior Board Member of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. She has actively supported codifying coercive control, writing numerous policy briefs supporting these efforts.

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About Julie Nee

Julie Nee empowers victims of domestic abuse, currently finalizing her (second) Masters Degree in Social Work at Simmons University, and leveraging her 20 years of experience in executive coaching and leadership development. She specializes in helping victims-survivors overcome the trauma of abuse through techniques like healing from within and harnessing personal power in the family court system.

Julie is published with author and researcher Lisa Fontes Aronson, PhD from the University of Massachusetts on tactics to help un-gaslight victims. She supports clients in navigating the power of AI to effectively communicate with abusers, courts, lawyers, and providers. This focus on AI-powered communication helps showcase the healthy parent as the collaborative participant when the court mistakenly sees “high conflict” instead of abuse. Julie looks forward to coaching and supporting you!